Monthly Archives: July 2005

peanut m&m’s are fantastic!

i am freaking out sorta kinda about moving back to california. i don’t like thinking about it, itt make me angry/sad/scared/etc. i have no job, no apartment and the prospect of living with my mother for a month makes me want to gouge my eyes out. oh well at least the weather will be nice and there won’t be any FUCKING SNOW GODDAMMIT. i will be happy if i don’t see snow for like 3 years. actually that’s not true, come winter time i am going to be sobbing hysterically for the snow covered boston streets. oh god. i really like the east coast. it’s shit like this that makes me wonder what the fuck i am even doing moving back to the west side. i don’t think i like it that much. granted, the last time i lived there i was about 17 years old and unable to drink, didn’t smoke pot, and was kind of lame in general. things are different this time around. i will have friends from boston coming with me and that will make a world of difference. also, gregory j. hastings will be joining me and so will camille travis. and these people make me soooo happy i can’t even tell you. i want greg to slut it up good in san fran, and camille needs to get back in my life cause i have not seen that girl in a minute.
good will hunting is on TV. i love this movie. and i love tv.
i have a problem i think. a tv/celebrity problem.
oh well.
i have that one song stuck in my head that goes like this: “are we in looooooove or juuuust friends/is this my beginning or is this the ennnnd(is this the end)”

ooh boston why you gotta be so cold

it’s july. the middle of july in fact. and due to the fucking hurricane whoevs, it is freezing outside. i feel like i just made a post about this but you know what i am going to say it again.
the andy milonakis show is on TV right now, and it is not that funny. this kid is really annoying.
HOWEVER the most hilarious/best show on TV right now is being bobby motherfucking brown. good LORD that show is great. whitney? whitney wearing a white macrame top and dancing to a muzak version of “sir duke” in the lobby of the atlantis resort in the bahamas with bobby? perfection. bobby getting wasted at a chinese restaurant in london and then almost acting like he’s gonna beat whitney’s ass again when she talks about his kids? fantastic. AND my personal favorite: whitney and bobby in the gift shop of the hyatt in atlanta. whitney is trying on sunglasses. they dance.
i died.
god i love reality television.


headphone issue taken care of!
got fantastic new ones.
however as a result of the charming weather system with the middle american name, it is 62 degrees outside in the middle of july. i’m wearing a sweatshirt for christ’s sake.
oh boston. it’s better than seven hudnred degree humidity i suppose.
i am a bit disjointed these days. i don’t know if that’s even the word i mean, but i’m stressed out about moving across the country. i have gotten nothing done in that regard. i have to arrange for a television and a bed to either be sold or moved across the country. i am not sure how excited i am about moving to california all of a sudden. high school was fine, i suppose but i don’t really remember it due to the activities afterwards. oh short term memory, i am sure it was nice while it lasted…
in any case, i have no idea anymore. this whole after college thing feels really scary all of a sudden.

headphones and my life

i have some sort of fucked up electronics issue because i simply cannot choose headphones.
i have been having problems with my in-ear buds because they are retarded and one ear is going again, like it used to be. so i am faced with the fact that i have to get new ones. and this time, i am not fucking around. i want huge ass headphones that will cancel out all noise, and that will render me deaf to the influences of the outside world. i like that. when my father asked me wy on earth i would want that, i stated simply that with my old earbuds, it was kind of annoying becauuse people woudl assume that i could hear them when really, that was not the case at all. in fact, i was pretty much deaf, and then i would seem rude when they tried to talk to me.
IN ANY CASE. before seeing war of the worlds with wendy, i went to best buy and purcahsed a pair of sony mdr-v150s or some shit. i dont remember. and i like the way they look, which is important, since i am vain like that, BUT upon trying them out which is what i am doing right now, they do not work as well as i would like. in fact, they are not completley closed ear. they let in some ambient sound and etc. and thhat is not ok. i want big ass headphones that are going to cover half of my face. i have been feverishly researching headphones online and have narrowed it down to the sennhesier hd 202s. i am obviously not well. but once this headphone issue is resolved i will be all set.
why are these headphones getting hot on my head? does that make any sense?
goood lord. i think i am a bit punchy today. wtf x 10.
in any case enough out of my ass.

rosie o’donnell

holy crap
rosie o’donnell’s blog is horrible/hilarious/funny/sad.
and jenny and i are going to the beach tomorrow at manchester by the sea. we are waking up very early.
also i am watching rachel bilson on tv and she is a fucking idiot.
thank god i went to college!

i hate having people over

i have no idea what’s wrong with me.
and let it be known that this is the first time in which i felt compelled to post. oh god kill me etc.
i dont know, but i really really really like having my privacy. i have lived by myself for the past two years and it has been incredible. there was a brief time i lived with dave and i don’t even count that as living with someone. that was living by bmyself, but better, as i consider him at this point an extension of myself.
in any case: living by myself is fucking fantastic. my apartment is amazing. i like my tv. i like my computer. i like the internet, i like reading, i like playing video games and smoking a bowl and then reading and i like doing all of this withou feeling the incessant need to entertain/pay attention to someone else. people sit in my bed and they fuck up the covers and they touch stuff and i hate it. i sound like a cunt, and i’m not i swear, it’s just that after two weeks of not being able to be where it is taht i want to be, it’s nice to have that option available to me. and now it is.
those monistat commercials for chafing gel are really fucking gross. and thank god for this rerun of the season finale of america’s next top model from the second season. it is the only thing getting me through.