Monthly Archives: July 2007

new leaf bitches.

Times have changed. I am going to do this a little more than just sporadically, if not only to please my meager audience but because might as well.

Here is a comprehensive list detailing things about me that have changed and that are good.

1. I am no longer in love with Dave.
2. I am a traffic manager at a marketing agency.
3. I live in an adorable apartment near the Full House houses with Mary Clair.
4. I will be 25 soon.
5. I don’t mind and even like San Francisco.
5a. I have lived here for almost two years.
6. I have been camping a bunch and it’s not that bad.
7. I don’t suck at knitting, life or my job.
8. I’m a little calmer these days.
9. See #1. It’s the most important and the impetus for my life’s turnaround. Continue reading