Category Archives: lists

These are a few of my favorite things.

I like lists and I like a lot of things. Here is a space for me to post some of those things I like so much.

1. This song is fucking amazing. Look how happy these people are to be washing a car, dancing in the streets, hanging out by a pool. I often make telephone calls sitting on my bed in a lime green, high waisted bikini. It’s one of my Saturday morning rituals.

2. These are delicious treats from the Far East. They are filled with chocolate and have depictions of koalas performing a variety of activities, including playing a triangle, driving a car and eating eucalyptus.


3. <b>The New Yorker</b> is one of my favorite magazines. I have a copy sitting on my coffee table right now. Typical but I still fucking love it.

4. Trivia night at the Bitter End, followed by bubble tea at Genki. There’s something to be said about the establishment of rituals that really make a place feel like home.

5. Charts and graphs. Perhaps my new job as a nerdy ad implementation guru has encouraged this but I now really love charts, graphs and things of that nature. I just discovered that Flickr has a stats feature that allows you to see referrer sites and all sorts of other shit. Totally fucking dorky, but also awesome.

6. My new bathrobe is one of the most amazing items of clothing I have purchased for myself in a long while. I got it at Target one hung-over Saturday in San Bruno with Elena at the Tanforan mall. First of all, Tanforan is named for what I believe was an old racetrack and also Japanese internment camp. Now it’s a mall. WTF. Secondly, that mall is the worst possible place to be hung over in, ever. The entrance to Target is stationed at what I view to be the gates of hell, i.e the children’s play pit, full of screaming toddlers and their disinterested parents.  Kill me. The bathrobe is pretty sweet though.

7. I don’t drive, but I love being in cars. I love being driven. This is a bad thing, because I don’t have a car and must depend on the generosity of friends, but still. I love love love it.

Keeping busy.

It’s really amazing how many things you can do when you don’t have anything to do at all.

  1. Window shopping consumes 75% of my time. I spend inordinate, unhealthy amounts of time in various stores, carrying around armloads of sundresses and floaty tees, trying them on and then leaving without purchasing anything. I’m able to indulge my materialism without actually following through. Sometimes I let myself slip, but only if it’s on sale and exceptionally cute.
  2. It takes me a long time to leave the house. I’ll take a shower and then sit on the couch in my towel for an hour, half-heartedly applying for jobs and talking to my employed friends on IM. Then I’ll put on underwear. Selecting an outfit to wear when you’re going to be out of the house for a maximum of 2 hours is enormously time-consuming. There are so many options! So many clean shirts, waiting to be worn. I blow dry my hair every day like I’m going on a date. Sometimes I wear makeup for NO REASON. You never know.
  3. The library is a place of wonder, joy and pure excitement. Hours. I lose hours in the San Francisco public library. Discovering the DVD section caused me to come home with a variety of awkward and hilarious documentary selections including one about the musical theatre camp in upstate New York and a docuumentary called Shvitz, about the last remaining bathhouse in Coney Island. Broadening my horizons, kids.
  4. I avoid doing things I actually need to do. These include visiting the unemployment office, grocery shopping and calling my student loan company to put my loans into forbearance.
  5. I walk a lot more. I’m in no rush! Where am I going? Nowhere! Walk downtown! Walk to the bus! Walk up that pesky hill you usually don’t walk up ever, while smoking a cigarette and talking on the phone! Take your time. It’s a nice day out and you have no obligations to anyone.
  6. I do a lot of lunch. I am an excellent lunch date. I will gladly meet you near your place of employment, eat a sandwich and talk shop with you. It makes me feel like a part of the workforce and I can offer advice. I’m an excellent yes-man, except when I’m being a cock. Usually I’m not a cock. Tell me your troubles. I like feeling like a person.

I’ll get a job soon.

    new leaf again!

    I would direct all further attention to That is where my musings and the musings of my friends re: life, things that are trashy and things that are not trashy are. Maybe every now and then I will update this thing. In fact, here is a new list to go with the list that I made previously, just now.

    1. I am unemployed!
    2. I am unemployed!
    3. Being unemployed is kinda great.

    Continue reading

    new leaf bitches.

    Times have changed. I am going to do this a little more than just sporadically, if not only to please my meager audience but because might as well.

    Here is a comprehensive list detailing things about me that have changed and that are good.

    1. I am no longer in love with Dave.
    2. I am a traffic manager at a marketing agency.
    3. I live in an adorable apartment near the Full House houses with Mary Clair.
    4. I will be 25 soon.
    5. I don’t mind and even like San Francisco.
    5a. I have lived here for almost two years.
    6. I have been camping a bunch and it’s not that bad.
    7. I don’t suck at knitting, life or my job.
    8. I’m a little calmer these days.
    9. See #1. It’s the most important and the impetus for my life’s turnaround. Continue reading

    oh this old thing


    it’s been a while again. god i suck. how am i ever going to dominate the internet if i don’t update this thing?

    anyway. let me provide a bulleted list of what’s been going on in my life. i LOVE lists.

    1. i got a haircut. it is short, choppy and i look like a power lesbian. scale of 1-10 it is like a 6.

    3. the chornicle slowly wears away at my soul. with each passing day my youth dies a little more.
    4. um! the bay bridge will be closed on our way back into the city. as i know jack shit about how to get anywhere, i am hoping that we will be able to make it home without probs as we will be cranky, stinky and wanting to die.
    5. i love jeopardy.
    6. this list is really not an update on my life but apparently mental diarrhea. Continue reading

    water balloons

    thank god for showtime at the fucking apollo. it is the perfect thing to watch when you’re kind of drunk but not really and you’re in bed and all you want to do is read myspace and compose emails that you’re never going to send.

    another list.
    1. water balloons are probably the most hilarious thing to incorporate into a social situation.
    2. olive oil makes for a very moist birthday cake.
    3. you should be wary of loft parrties in soma where you don’t know anyone and there’s bad hard house playing in the kitchen.
    4. camoflauge is hideous.
    4a. not sure if i spelled that right.
    5. on friday i bit the bullet and went to work and asked jack out. well, i gave him my number. we shot the shit for a second about stuff, like work and school and wherre we went to school and blah blah blah. i stood there with a wet rag in my hand and my apron hardly on. before he left, i said “hey jack. we should hang out sometime.” his voice squeaked when he said “sure”. it was adorable. i sprinted to thecounter, fumbled for something to write on and then scrawled my name and number. my hand was shaking. after this, i made some ccomment about god knows fucking what and then sprinted to the backroom where i proceeded to mime vomiting into the trash can.

    5a. i hope jack calls me. ball’s in his court now. look at me. i’m not playing games. i have too much shit to deal with on the other end. i just need a distraction. or something.