water balloons

thank god for showtime at the fucking apollo. it is the perfect thing to watch when you’re kind of drunk but not really and you’re in bed and all you want to do is read myspace and compose emails that you’re never going to send.

another list.
1. water balloons are probably the most hilarious thing to incorporate into a social situation.
2. olive oil makes for a very moist birthday cake.
3. you should be wary of loft parrties in soma where you don’t know anyone and there’s bad hard house playing in the kitchen.
4. camoflauge is hideous.
4a. not sure if i spelled that right.
5. on friday i bit the bullet and went to work and asked jack out. well, i gave him my number. we shot the shit for a second about stuff, like work and school and wherre we went to school and blah blah blah. i stood there with a wet rag in my hand and my apron hardly on. before he left, i said “hey jack. we should hang out sometime.” his voice squeaked when he said “sure”. it was adorable. i sprinted to thecounter, fumbled for something to write on and then scrawled my name and number. my hand was shaking. after this, i made some ccomment about god knows fucking what and then sprinted to the backroom where i proceeded to mime vomiting into the trash can.

5a. i hope jack calls me. ball’s in his court now. look at me. i’m not playing games. i have too much shit to deal with on the other end. i just need a distraction. or something.

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